Class ArcsSet.Split

Enclosing class:

public static class ArcsSet.Split extends Object
Class holding the results of the split method.
  • Method Details

    • getPlus

      public ArcsSet getPlus()
      Get the part of the arcs set on the plus side of the splitting arc.
      part of the arcs set on the plus side of the splitting arc
    • getMinus

      public ArcsSet getMinus()
      Get the part of the arcs set on the minus side of the splitting arc.
      part of the arcs set on the minus side of the splitting arc
    • getSide

      public Side getSide()
      Get the side of the split arc with respect to its splitter.
      Side.PLUS if only getPlus() returns non-null, Side.MINUS if only getMinus() returns non-null, Side.BOTH if both getPlus() and getMinus() return non-null or Side.HYPER if both getPlus() and getMinus() return null