Hipparchus is a pure java library without any dependencies, split into several modules. It is designed to be built using maven but it can also be built using an IDE like Eclipse, NetBeans, IntelliJ IDEA or any other. We will describe only a few possibilities here.

Maven build

As Hipparchus is a multi-module maven project, its build is slightly different from a single module project. Once you have retrieved the complete source tree, either by cloning the git repository or by unpacking a source distribution, you will find a parent folder containing a few files and sub-folders:

  • LICENSE.txt
  • NOTICE.txt
  • README.md
  • release.sh
  • pom.xml
  • hipparchus-clustering
  • hipparchus-core
  • hipparchus-coverage
  • hipparchus-fft
  • hipparchus-filtering
  • hipparchus-fitting
  • hipparchus-geometry
  • hipparchus-migration
  • hipparchus-ode
  • hipparchus-optim
  • hipparchus-parent
  • hipparchus-samples
  • hipparchus-stat
  • src

This top level folder contains the maven aggregator project that defines project organization into modules. The aggregator project does not contain any code by itself (even the src folder at this level does not contain code).

The hipparchus-parent folder contains the parent project for other modules. This parent project defines elements that will be inherited by all modules like maven plugins version numbers and configuration. This project does not contain code by itself.

The hipparchus-coverage folder contains a dummy module for aggregating coverage reports. This project does not contain code by itself.

The remaining hipparchus-xyz folders are the projects for the various modules that compose Hipparchus and that inherit from the parent.

In order to build Hipparchus, you should stay in the top level folder (above the various hipparchus-xyz sub-folders) and run the following maven command:

mvn package

This command will build every single module in the appropriate order and will assemble the built artifacts into the target folder that will be created automatically. Once the command completes, you will find several archive files in zip and tar.bz2 formats that contain all artifacts. The archive files with

If you also want to build the static site containing the project documentation (general project information, user guide, javadocs, source reference …), you will have to run the following maven command:

mvn site site:stage

The first goal (site) will create separate sub-sites in all modules (in target/site folders), including the aggregator module. All inter-module links in these temporary folders fail because they are not combined. The second goal (site:stage) combines all these sub-sites together in one consistent and fully linked site in a single staging folder common to all modules. This single staging folder is created as target/staging folder in the aggregator project. Beware that you should not run mvn clean site site:stage, i.e. the clean should not be used in the same command line as the site:stage goal, otherwise maven would clean the staged sites for the previous modules just before processing the final aggregator module, so only the top level part of the site would be accessible.

Eclipse build

If you want to build Hipparchus using the Eclipse IDE, the simplest way is to rely on the m2e plugin (which is automatically included in recent Eclipse IDE for Java developers) as this plugin automatically integrates maven projects and supports multi-module projects.

Just as in the maven build, you should first retrieve the Hipparchus source tree (Eclipse is also able to retrieve this tree directly from git if you want). Once the source tree is available, you should select the Import... entry in the context menu in the Package Explorer tab in the left hand side view in the Java perspective, and select Maven -> Existing Maven Projects in the wizard. Then in the Import Maven Project wizard, when selecting the root folder, browse to the top level hipparchus folder. This folder contains the aggregator project that references all the modules, so Eclipse will be aware of them and will be able to configure everything properly, including the inter-module dependencies. Once the hipparchus-aggregator project has been selected, the wizard should show all the projects at once. Pressing the Finish button will configure and compile everything.

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Reflow Maven skin maintained by Olivier Lamy.