Release History

Version Date Description
3.1 2024-04-05 This is a maintenance release. It includes one bugfix on 3D rotations at Cardan/Euler singularity.
3.0 2023-10-08 This is a major release.
2.3 2022-10-05 This is a maintenance release. The main change is a fix of wrong negation of points on the 2-sphere.
2.2 2022-08-10 This is a maintenance release.
2.1 2022-04-24 This is a maintenance release. The main change is addition of equalsIee754 to points in all topologies to handle NaN coordinates.
2.0 2021-08-07 This is a major release. The only changes are removal of deprecated methods.
1.8 2020-12-05 This is a maintenance release.
1.7 2020-06-23 This is a maintenance release. The only changes are addition of Line.fromDirection(...) and changed RotationOrder from final class to enum.
1.6 2019-11-01 This is a maintenance release. The only change is addition of a field version of Vector2D.
1.5 2019-05-06 This is a maintenance release, it includes only bug fixes.
1.4 2018-11-17 This is a maintenance release. The main changes since last version are various fixes in partitioning.
1.3 2018-05-08 This is a maintenance release.
1.2 2017-10-25 This is a maintenance release.
1.1 2017-03-16 This is a maintenance release.
1.0 2016-06-23 This is the first release of the library

Release 3.1 – 2024-04-05

Type Changes By
Allow retrieving correct Cardan/Euler angles even at singularity. Fixes issues/304. luc

Release 3.0 – 2023-10-08

Type Changes By
Improve management of Cardan/Euler rotations close to singularity. Fixes issues/243. luc
Added Blendable interface and its implementation in RealMatrix and Vector interfaces. Changed Vector interface parameters. Added SmoothStepFactory which allow for quick creation of common and generic smoothstep function. Fixes issues/212. vincent

Release 2.3 – 2022-10-05

Type Changes By
Fixed wrong negation of point on the 2-sphere. Fixes issues/208. luc

Release 2.2 – 2022-08-10

Type Changes By
No changes directly in this module. However, lower level Hipparchus modules did change, hence a new release was needed. luc

Release 2.1 – 2022-04-24

Type Changes By
Fixed wrong set operation with ArcsSet when two BSP trees share the same angle as a cut hyperplane. Fixes issues/187. luc
Added equalsIee754 to S1Point, S2Point, Vector1D, Vector2D and Vector3D to have an equality method consistent with IEEE754 concerning NaN coordinates, in addition to the regular equals method compliant with Java language design choices, including Double.equals (which is different from the double == operator). luc

Release 2.0 – 2021-08-07

Type Changes By
Removed methods and constants deprecated during the 1.x series. Github: fixes #120. Fixes issues/121. luc

Release 1.8 – 2020-12-05

Type Changes By
No changes directly in this module. However, lower level Hipparchus modules did change, hence a new release was needed. luc

Release 1.7 – 2020-06-23

Type Changes By
Add Line.fromDirection(...). Fixes issues/78. evan
Changed RotationOrder from final class to enum. Fixes issues/72. bryan

Release 1.6 – 2019-11-01

Type Changes By
Added field version of Vector2D. luc

Release 1.5 – 2019-05-06

Type Changes By
Fixed lines/polyhedrons intersection occurring on facets boundaries. This was ported from Apache Commons Geometry issue 38. Thanks to Matt Juntunen. luc

Release 1.4 – 2018-11-17

Type Changes By
Fixed creating a SphericalPolygonsSet from oversampled or noisy data. Fixes issues/46. evan
Fixed 2D outline extraction from 3D polyhedrons sets with holes. GitHub: fixes #45. Fixes issues/45. luc
Use topological information from BSP tree to connect more reliably edges and vertices when building the boundary loops of SphericalPolygonsSet. GitHub: fixes #42. Fixes issues/42. luc
Forbid use of unrealistic tolerances (below ulp(2π)) in spherical geometry. GitHub: fixes #42. Fixes issues/42. luc
Fixed a corner case in BSPTree split. GitHub: fixes #41. Fixes issues/41. luc

Release 1.3 – 2018-05-08

Type Changes By
No changes directly in this module. However, lower level Hipparchus modules did change, hence a new release was needed. luc

Release 1.2 – 2017-10-25

Type Changes By
Added a method to compute the orientation of a triplet of points in 2D. luc
Added a getBRep method to PolyhedronsSet to extract a Boundary REPresentation in regular cases (unbounded PolyhedronsSet or PolyhedronsSet with holes in their boundary are not supported). luc
Fixed NullPointerException when computing size of unbounded polygons sets. Fixes issues/23. luc
Fixed polygons creation from lists of vertices (both in Euclidean and spherical geometry) when separate edges share the same hyperplane (line or circle) but with different orientations. Fixes issues/21. luc

Release 1.1 – 2017-03-16

Type Changes By
Fixed numerical noise issues in Welzl smallest enclosing ball computation. Thanks to jerdmanGH for reporting the issue. GitHub: fixes #20. Fixes issues/20. luc
Added field based 3D lines. luc
Added utility methods for field-based rotations and 3D vectors. luc

Release 1.0 – 2016-06-23

Type Changes By
Modularized the library. tn

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Version: 3.1. Last Published: 2024-04-02.

Reflow Maven skin maintained by Olivier Lamy.